Golf & Environment
Unlike many other sports, golf is played in an open natural environment. It is nature that directs the design of the holes and their maintenance. At Royal Waterloo, respect for the environment around our game is the priority of its management. Our strategy is to manage our courses efficiently (140 hectares) in order to allow nature to regenerate indefinitely. And allowing it to offer us the benefits of its energy to avoid the use of substitutes that are harmful to the planet. Our desire is also to provide for our own needs by our own means and to keep the activity of our craftsmen constant by reducing the use of sub-contractors.
These priorities are currently divided into several areas:
- Rigorous water management
- Soil sustainability
- The harmonious evolution of fauna and flora
- Recoverable energy
In order to develop initiatives related to the preservation of our environment, the Club calls upon external expertise, international consultants and the Catholic University of Louvain. All their recommendations govern the development strategies for our grounds.