Several members of Royal Waterloo are pursuing a professional golf career at international level or have joined its teaching team: Nicolas Colsaerts, Laura Gonzalez-Escallón, Chloé Leurquin, Arnaud Langenaeken and Pierre Relecom. Royal Waterloo has produced many amateur players who are Belgian champions and who have distinguished themselves in international competitions. These include John Bigwood, Françoise and Patrick Bonnelance, Christophe Bosmans, Yves Brose, Isabelle Declercq-Dumont, Michel and Alain Eaton, Michael Jones, Emilie Geury, Line Sirtaine, Sophie Tornel...

The most successful, Freddy Rodesch, who as a member of the Belgian team from 1956 to 1985, won 33 national titles in singles and four-balls and 4 international titles. He took part in 8 amateur World Team Championships (Eisenhower Trophy) and 5 times in the continental team against Great Britain and Ireland (Saint Andrews Trophy).