For many years, our consumption of synthetic products had been greatly reduced. Since 1 June 2018 it has been zero. Our soil is made up of clayey silt and its richness allows us to develop among our roughs many grass varieties and flowers. 

We apply an integrated pest management solution to our greens by changing the grasses with new, more disease-resistant varieties. All our green waste is recycled, the branches are shredded into compost, the 800m3 of leaves collected in autumn are turned into compost with 100% reuse, the ecological areas of rough are mowed once a year after the breeding period and used to feed the livestock or in some years take the direction of Pairi Daiza to feed the elephants.

The trees at the end of their life are replaced by new species advised in partnership with a large Dutch nursery on the choice of species that will resist the climate of tomorrow, for a cut tree it is two new plantations that replace it.

For years we have been recreating orchards with native species of apple, pear, medlar, cherry, quince, cherry and plum trees, also offering many animals a variety of choices for food and shelter.